I keep waiting for some big event to blog about, but it seems (as made obvious by my last post)that my life is made up of a series of teeny tiny less eventful things. So as the summer is underway and I have my kids home all day here is a list of a few things I have discovered so far.
1. I will never be caught up on laundry.
2. Kellen is deathly afraid of my hair dryer.
3. That 3 miles under the hot Las Vegas Sun is too far for a 4 year old to walk.
4. I will never be caught up on Sleep.
5. To keep the girls swim suits in the car at all times.
6. It IS possible for Zoey's obsession with Miley Cyrus to get bigger.
7. The weeds don't pull themselves.
8. There are few things more satsifiying or tasty as eating my own homemade bread covered in homemade jam.
9. After going camping with kids in the rain, it is not possible to get rid of all the mud stained in our clothes.
10. That I'm so excited to go to Hawaii in July, I don't know if I'll be able to wait the 40 days, 10 hours and 30 minutes untill we go.