This morning was off to a good start when a cut on Zoeys heel started bleeding and she trailed blood across my newly mopped bathroom floor and down the carpet and through her room. Then Olivia kept telling me she didn't feel good, that her 'stomach hurt.' I thought she was just making up an excuse not to have to unload the dishes. (It brought back too many memories of a certain brother who used the same excuse everytime we had to do the dishes growing up). But sure enough 10 minutes later she was laying on my bed and the puking began. Of course I felt bad, I hate when my kids are sick. But I have to admit that a close second to the immediate concern for my daughter, was for my brand new white comforter that was soaking up the orange colored throwup. The ironic thing was the previous time I bought a brand new duvet cover, the next day she colored on it with black sharpie. I think there is an unspoken rule about parenthood...that you are not entitled to have anything nice. Lastly Kellen has a cold and will not let me put him down for even two seconds. He scoots after me crying and pulling on my legs. It is so hard for me to be patient when I have to hold him constantly. Of course in the big picture, when my kids are grown and gone, I will miss mornings like these, (or so my in-laws keep telling me).
So I put thoughts of my now peach colored comforter aside, I forget about the blood now drying in my carpet because I am in charge of carpool today and need to take kids to school. So I load everyone up and head out. When I return home, I am just getting out when Joe calls needing me to take him a document at work right away. So forgetting the mess at home, I load Liv and Kellen back up and make the hour trip, grateful I at least took time to put a bra on. And while driving I eat 4 chocolate chip cookies to compensate for not having breakfast which now make me feel like I am going to throw up.
It is nearly noon and I am still in pj's (which is rare, if not nonexsistent for me by this time of day), I haven't put in my contacts or brushed my teeth but instead of continuing my complaint-athon, in the spirit of the Thanksgiving season I will write a few things I am thankful for today to try and boost my mood.
1. After dropping Zoey off at school, she comes running back to the car. I thought she must have left a school paper or something but instead she says, "I forgot" and reaches over and gives me a hug. It made my heart melt.
2. I am thankful for a washing machine and oxyclean that may have actually saved my comforter.
3. But the most important thing I am grateful for today is the plan of salvation. They installed my dads headstone at the cemetary yesterday. It has been hard for me because it is a very blatant reminder of him really being gone. But more importantly, it reminds me that life does not end at death. It goes on forever and I can be with my family forever. And that blessing and knowledge overrules every sad or discouraged feeling I have today.