Thursday, July 3, 2008

Give me Candy...

So when I'm pregnant I get a really gross taste in my mouth and I also produce extra saliva that also tastes terrible. The one thing that has worked to combat this is, candy. I can't chew gum because it makes more saliva and I can't stand the taste of mint. (I've even had to start using cinnamon toothpaste.) So I have been eating tons of candy, just to combat this bad taste. I have never been a candy eater, (chocolate yes but I wouldn't be caught dead buying or eating candy normally.) So this is the stash of candy I had today. There is usually hot tamalies in there too but I sware just minutes before I ate like the whole 8oz box of them. So I know its disgusting, I know my teeth are going to fall out, but I don't care. Anything is better than the grossness that lingers with out the presence of candy.
I'm sure my dad would be proud. Oh wait, he doesn't eat candy. Right dad? wink wink


JasonDebbie said...

Hey I eat candy like that even when I'm not pregnant. So don't feel bad.:)

Traci said...

Luke really wants those lemon heads.

Nicole B. said...

Sorry you have been so sick Jana, hopefully it will pass soon.

Spencer, Erin, Parker and Ben said...

I'm sorry you've been so sick too Jana. It's funny because candy has really tasted good to me this pregnancy too. But it's not because of the saliva thing so much- just the craving or maybe just excuses to eat a lot of it. Who knows. But I'm sorry, reminds me of my mom with a rag in her mouth all day. :)