Thursday, June 26, 2008

In case you didnt' know....

I am pregnant! It's been a long road the past year...not knowing if I wanted more kids, then wanting them and not having much success, to getting some fertility treatments. But I am excited for this pregnancy despite enduring days and weeks of violent nausea and anxiety about miscarriage again. My Dr has been carefully monitoring my blood levels every week and I have to take progesterone right now to hopefully help prevent miscarriage. The progesterone adds another level of sickness, (if that is possible in my pregnancys). In the evenings especially, I am so sick I can hardly move because of nausea and dizziness. Luckily when I wake up in the morning I feel slightly better and am able to accomplish a few minor things( and I mean minor, like a good day is getting me and the girls dressed, teeth brushed and maybe dashing through the grocery store before the gagging actually brings up the breakfast I managed to choke down a few minutes earlier.) Then the cycle starts up again at about 12:00 and I am imobilized by sickness. I feel blessed to have my inlaws close now and for the help they have given me with the girls and upkeeping my house. And Joe is awesome. He is so supportive and patient and encouraging.


Jenny said...

Yeah! Congratulations Jana! I am so happy for you and hope everything goes well - I'm soooo sorry you're so sick, but it's worth it. I love you.

Chelsea said...

We are so happy for you guys! We are sorry you are so sick though! No Fun! Let us know what we can do for you guys. Don't know if you guys are up for visitors but maybe we will come hang out with the girls for a weekend so you can REST!!

Shannon & Summer said...

Congrats Jana! I am happy for you! Way to start a blog too!

JasonDebbie said...

awesome! I'm so excited for you, If I was there I would babysit for you to help with all the morning sickness crap. I remember being so miserable when I was pregnant this last time. I'm glad you have a blog because I miss you guys and you have no idea how often kaitlyn says she wants to see zoey again.

Angie said...

This is awesome news, Jana. I am soo happy for you and Joe.

John Ivie said...

Congratulations Jana Banana:-) I am happy for you guys! When are you due? If you want, you can send your girls my way for a week:) Love you lot's

Spencer, Erin, Parker and Ben said...

Jana, I can't believe I found out through your blog! Congrats! How far are you? I'm so so happy for you.