Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Zoey the Blogger

Zoey has gotten into blogging and keeps wanting me to take pictures, "so we can put it on our blog." So here is a few things we have been doing lately....
I had strep throat last week, (I know half the stuff I post is about all my sickness, but I sware I'm not a sickly person.) Anyways I literally couldn't move off the couch for like 3 days. The girls decided to set up their own little tea party. Zoey hauled in the table and chairs and set up a cute party for her and Olivia. Of course my birthday landed right in the midst of my multiple sickness. But we had a little celebration anyways because I am 29, again!!! (But don't think I'm letting you off the hook Joe, when I'm better we are going out for a big celebration!!) Don't pay attention to how nasty I look or my dirty house just look at the present Joe got me. A Kitchen Aid....Yeah!! I've been wanting one for such a long time but it's really unfortunate that I probablly won't be able to use for a while. However, I still love it.
The girls are obsessed with doing crafts and science projects. Zoey loves scissors and glue and ribbon and makes about 10 crafts everyday. They are so cute but I usually have to toss most of them the next day or I sware my house would be wallpapered with her creations. Joe is the scientist in the family and has spent alot of time doing experiments with the girls. He loves to teach them big words and their meanings and then quiz them later. So next time you see Zoey, ask her what 'Refraction' means. Here is their latest...the baking soda volcano.

My dishwasher broke so I decided it was time to teach the girls some homemaking skills. They loved it. It was so funny because they didn't see it as a chore but more like a fun game I was letting them do.


The Piet Girls said...

Cutest girls ever! Good job on the blog Zoey! I hope you post lots more pictures of all the fun things you do. Love, Ms. Gina

Nicole B. said...

I was super sick last week too, Jana. It was my throat also. So, who was it on the camping trip that gave it to us. It must have been Joe's anthrax. Well, hopefully you are feeling better. And a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!

JasonDebbie said...

I know what you mean about crafts-kaitlyn loves to cut out and glue and everything. Recently she was cutting stuff out and decided to cut out a huge chunk of hair too!

Traci said...

How cute! Sorry you've been sick, hopefully you'll start feeling better soon! Are you guys planning on coming up for Labor Day/Onion Days? Hopefully!