Wednesday, October 1, 2008

A Toothless Grin, blood and pus

Just in time for her school pictures, Zoey lost her first tooth. I'm such an emotional mom...I remember crying when she was 3 months old and it first came in and yesterday I got teary eyed when she came home from school with it loose. My little girl is growing up so fast!

But to kick off the Halloween season I thought I share one of my scary/gruesome interests.

I like blood and guts and pus!

To share a few examples....

I'm the mom who literally had to tie my hands together from popping my infants forhead when they got baby acne. I loved to pick my scabs as a child, me and my cousin Jenny used to ask other kids to let us pick their scabs too! I'm the one that pierced countless of my friends ears and noses.

So if this is gross to you, my only defense is that I had 5 brothers who were all athletes and they used to make me pop their zits on their backs when they couldn't reach them... I was bullied into it then sort of started liking it and it just grew from there.

So instead of allowing nature to let her tooth fall out when it was ready, I literally yanked it out of her mouth today and blood oozed everywhere. That sounds terrible. Don't worry, it didn't hurt her, but I will admit that I thought the whole thing was a little too fascinating considering my baby's mouth was full of blood.

Okay now I feel like I've shared way too much info .


JasonDebbie said...

I totally understand, i share some of those same feelings! its good to know theres another sicko out there. :)

Jenny said...

i cant believe we really used to do that! so funny. i still think pus is waaaay grosser than blood.

Spencer, Erin, Parker and Ben said...

I read this and laughed. so you Jana. Glad you were there to pierce my nose. :)

Alicia H said...

You are HILARIOUS! I just love it...what can I say. This is why we are friends...cause you crazy. Congrats to Zoey.

david said...

Jana--I think you are one of my most favorite people. For real.

The Piet Girls said...

OK since you're confessing, I too love to pop zits, pull my kids teeth out and I love peeling skin off after it's burnt. We are so weird!

Bobbi said...

That's pretty impressive, considering my husband's a DENTIST and I can't even get him to pull my son's loose tooth!!! Ha!