Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Mount Charleston

For those unfamilar with Las Vegas, within about 20 minutes of our house, we have mountains...real ones, with aspens and pines and yes, SNOW (in the winter). Alot of people don't know about this little treasure in the desert. It's so nice in the summer to escape the heat and go up to Mount Charleston. It has great hiking and world class rock climbing. Here are a few pics we took over the weekend. We have taken the girls pictures inside this tree for the last couple of years. The top one is last years. You can tell that Olivia still hasn't gotten over her dress obsession. She has to wear a dress everyday.

I love this picture. Zoey and Olivia are best friends.
Livi and Uncle Andy
Starting Zoey early on bouldering.
Joe rocking this wall.


Traci said...

That looks like fun!

Traci said...

Oops, I was going to also say that the picture of the girls in the tree is so cute!

John Ivie said...

Looks like you guys had fun! Hey, how do you put music and add cute side pictures and stuff to your blog?

Spencer, Erin, Parker and Ben said...

They are so beautiful Jana. I love seeing how they grow- wish it could be in person. :) How you feeling?