Saturday, August 2, 2008

School Shopping

Zoey's first day of kintergarten is fastly approaching. She and I went school shopping to buy some school clothes and get a full page of supplies they recommend the kids have. To me, going school shopping is a right of passage for the school year to begin and since this is her first time going to school, I wanted to make it really special for her. So just she and I took off first thing in the morning, went shopping, out to lunch at Mimi's Cafe, (her favorite place) and went and got pedicures. She was so cute and acted so grown up the whole time. She was very particular about her clothes and spent alot of time thinking about each piece. At the nail salon they had to bring in a couple pillows so her feet would reach the water. She had a little smile on her face the whole time but sort of panicked everytime the cute little old Asian lady tried to talk to her because she couldn't understand anything she said. But she loved every second of it and as we were leaving asked if we could go do it again.

Zoey showing off her buys of the day.

Showing off our fabulous pedicures, although it sort of looks like one of my toe nails is black, but it's not, must be a shadow.


The Piet Girls said...

You are such a cute mom Jana! I bet Zoey will always remember that trip.

JasonDebbie said...

Thats a cute idea. Here though, they have to wear uniforms sort of, only certain clothes, so I had to buy them at walmart and didnt make it a big deal. Maybe I should have though, that sounded fun for you guys.

Spencer, Erin, Parker and Ben said...

Can't believe she's going to school Jana and she seriously looks so big. I can't believe it. How fun though, seriously how fun.

i'm erin. said...

Jana! I am so glad you finally posted on my blog. what is up? robyn had her baby today and I saw connie bahr, Karen and Aubrie...I wish you lived up her too. luv erin