Thursday, August 21, 2008

We are having.....

We had another ultrasound today and found out we are having a boy!!! I'm so excited for Joe but it will take me awhile still to get used to the idea. This morning before my appointment I talked to the girls about having a boy or a girl. Zoey was almost in tears at the idea of having a boy. She said, "if we have a boy we're going to have to buy boy clothes, boy toys, and boy movies and I hate boy stuff." I broke the news to them by buying them each a toy car which they actually spent about an hour playing with and they have now softened to the idea. I will definitley need to start from scratch with baby stuff. I don't have a blanket or onsie or anything that is boy. So I guess I'll have to learn how to enjoy shopping for boy stuff. Yuck! Overall we are very excited and grateful that everything looks good and is progressing well.


Nicole B. said...

We are super excited for you guys! I am sure Joe is very excited to have a new climbing partner in the family.

Spencer, Erin, Parker and Ben said...

I am so so excited for you guys! Both for selfish reasons (to have a boy together) and for your family to experience cars and trucks! HOw awesome.

Chelsea said...

Yay! That is so exciting!! We are so happy for all of you guys! How fun, you get to buy all new clothes!

Chelsea said...

P.S. How are you feeling? Any better?

david said...

Yeah!!! Congrats!!! Boys are so much fun - just in a different way.

(this is jenny, not david)

The Piet Girls said...

Jana and Joe, I am so happy for you! Boys are fun. Not as much fun to shop for, or with, but still fun in lots of other ways. The girls will LOVE having a little brother.

John Ivie said...

I am so excited for you guys!! It will be fun to have a boy. It changes a few things though:-) Boys are great!!

JasonDebbie said...

HOORAY! I'm so excited for you guys! I wish I could be there to give you a shower. Thats so perfect to have 2 girls and then a boy. I didn't know what to do with a boy at first but then when he was born I loved it, they are so sweet.

The Bohne's said...

How exciting for you! I can tell you from experience that boys aren't all that bad, remember, I have four. I actually love spending time with them and shopping may not be as "cute", but it is still fun. And I honestly believe that boys are so much easier to deal with than girls. Especially when they get older!


Bobbi said...

Jana, you have such a beautiful family. It's so fun to discover friends' blogs and catch up on news. Your girls are beautiful, and I am very excited for you to have a boy! They really are so much fun! I know it seems like girls are just prettier and cuter and more fun to dress, but there is definitely a special bond between a mom and her son. And it's always fun to buy all new baby stuff...even if it is blue and not so frilly. How exciting! Congrats!

Angie said...

Congratulations Jana!! That is so so exciting! What a perfect order.

Jaime said...

congrats! I am excited for you guys..a boy will be fun, i bet Joe is excited, he wont be outnumbered anymore!

Beth said...

Yay! We are so excited for you. Another Went surfer baby. We miss you guys. We are flying thru Vegas in January when we visit LA. We have to get together. about you guys make a trip out here before then and catch a Pacers game.