Monday, November 17, 2008

Continuing Disarray in the Went Household

So our house is torn apart again, stuff everywhere, no order or organization. But this time it's because we're getting new carpet!!! Yeah!! It has been high on my list of home improvement projects but just kept getting pushed aside. Then the right deal came through for us and we jumped on it. So our whole upstairs and staircase is getting done. It looks so much better! I love it and can't wait for it to get finished.
But when the carpet guy was ripping up the old stuff it started making me sick thinking about all the nastiness that was lurking there. Carpet in general is probablly just a nesting ground for who knows what. But I have to push those thoughts aside because it only makes me think of all the other nasty things that we use food. We trust so many different hands with our food before we actually get it home from the store to eat. I sware If I could, I would organically grow everything at home and make it from scratch. Then I would always know what has touched my food. But that of course wouldn't be possible in this day and age. Maybe I'd have made a good pioneer. These are the neurotic thoughts I've felt today....I need more sleep.


JasonDebbie said...

I want new carpet, ours is the cheap stuff and its all gross. You WOULD have made a good pioneer, I would not, I like my convenient-not-good-for-you-processed-food.:) Maybe thats why my cholesterol isnt where it should be!! Ha ha!

david said...

yeah for new carpet! i hear ya on the nastiness of everything - i hadn't really thought about the food nastiness until now - great! i'll never grocery shop the same. hey - are you guys coming up to utah for thanksgiving or christmas? i miss you.

Beth said...

You make me laugh! I have never been a germ-a-phob until I didn't have an immune system anymore. Now I make my kids load up on Purell every 5 minutes! We miss you guys.