Tuesday, February 24, 2009

6 Weeks down

I went for my 6 week post partum check today. I can't believe it has been that long already. In some ways it's gone by so fast and in other ways, especially the nights, it has been very long. We haven't been doing very much to blog about other than trying to adjust to the new addition. I feel like it has been a very big adjustment...but we have made it, through the circumsion, everyone having colds, learning to grocery shop with 3, remembering all the crap you have to bring with you when you leave the house with a baby, resuming my calling, and night after night of no sleep, to name a few things.
Kellen is a sweet baby as long as he isn't hungry, tired, gassy, poopy, or having girls in his face harassing him. He continues to kill me at night though. Neither of my girls as babies woke up like he does. Last night I think it was 4 times. Twice to eat, once because he had gas pains and once with an enormous poopy diaper. I'm trying all the things I know to get him to sleep better. I've started a night time ritual with a bath and lotion massage. I use white noise by his bed, I swaddle him, I use the vibrating on his bassinett, I've put him in the swing.....but none of these make any big differences. Any suggestions??


JasonDebbie said...

With creighton we had a really hard time, we'd have to put him in his carseat and swing him around and he would still be awake alot at night. Its so frustrating when they won't sleep! My friend swears by Babywise, I think thats what its called. I heard once that you can put a piece of clothing in there that smells like you to comfort them at night. Who knows if that works. He is so cute!

The Piet Girls said...

I am so sorry he is not a sleeper because Alex was not a sleeper and I still remember how tired I was. If Kellen's ever asleep in the day and you want to sleep too, bring the girls over the fence! If it helps, Alex is THE BEST SLEEPER now. This too shall pass. Kellen sure is a cutie though so at least you can look at his sweet face while you're "up in the night."

Anonymous said...

I hope you get to sleep soon. My friends have a 3 month old and they started putting their baby in his room at 6 weeks with music. They were desperate for sleep. They say it worked and they don't get up for every little sound like they use to. She feeds him around 9ish and he would sleep until 5am. Good luck. I hope you can take some naps in the daytime. :)I use to give my babies gas drops with every feeding, but I didn't breast feed.

Nicole B. said...

Sorry to hear Kellen hasn't been sleeping well. I wish I had some wise advice for you but I got nothing. He is such a cutie though!

Lynds said...

I am no expert, but always asking people for advice with kids. Here is what I have learned: (most of it from my neice who is a pediatric nurse)
1. I start force feeding Shawni more in the late afternoon. I try to sneak in an extra feeding to make her extra full and at least one of them formula - I pump so that I know how much she is getting- and I think at this age it is about 4 oz.
2. SWADDLE- I never did this with my other kids, but she swears by it. She does it mainly at night, so that the baby knows the difference between night and day!
3. She sleeps with her 6 week old- I was always scared of this but I sleep in the middle of the bed and the baby is in arms length- she only wakes up once since I started doing this 3 weeks ago. I put her in the upper corner of the bed and I am in the middle, scooted down a bit so I am no where close to her, but I swear she knows I'm close, cuz she sleeps so much better.
Hope these help....

Beth said...

earplugs. it's a good thing that boy is so cute!

Amy said...

Jana, I hope you don't mind me checking out your blog. There is a bed called an Amby Bed, I have heard people swear by it with their baibes who will not sleep through the night. My sis-in-law had one and she said it saved her. They are kind of expensive, but they have great resale value on ebay. If nothing else works, it may be somehting to check out. Hang in there, it only gets better.